Counting 4 Wheels
Stop-motion animated short created for Sesame Street, Season 48
“Danielle Ash was a pleasure to work with. She is a super talented animator and artist. Her number film, "Counting 4 Wheels," that we commissioned from her for a Season 48 episode of SESAME STREET had a very unique and playful look and feel that our little viewers (and their parents) really loved! We definitely hope to work with her again in the coming season!”
Kim Wright
Film Producer, SESAME STREET
Two sisters go on an adventure. Riding a bike and eating ice cream on a trip to the amusement park, they run into a bunch of monkeys while counting to the number 4. There’s 4 wheels on that roller coaster car!
Credits: Directed by: Danielle Ash, Original music: Sloan Wainwright, Voices: Maia and Layla Musallam, Compositing: Janelle Miau, Animation Intern: Rine Bloom, Thanks to: Kim Wright-Johns, Christina Elefante, Erin Ross Banda, Andrew Zimbleman, Mark Gagliardi, Chris Sessano, Memo Salazar
Dedicated to: Kate and Jules